My two girls are now almost 3 and little guy is almost 18 months. The whole world is different with my little guy! My girls were soft spoken *until recently*, well mannered, sweet, playful, silly, tiny little things. My guy, on the other hand, not so much. He wakes up all smiles!! I LOVE this. Then he's off. The girls come in to see him and he squeals with delight and then suddenly he thinks it will be funny to pull hair (apparently hearing the girls squeal is much more fun), take toys (which they allow him to do), climb EVERYTHING he can until I have his breakfast ready and I strap him into his chair. He prostest for a moment, but ultimately the food wins. Then we take Miss Mae to school. When we return home for lessons and cleaning The Belly Monster has to tinkle, My Guy thinks this is the perfect opportunity to help. He runs in there and in the blink of an eye half the toilet paper is off of the roll...doors are opened...soap is poured...and toothbrushes are being used to clean the (not yet flushed) toilet...GAG!! What in the world!?!?!? My blessing is that they share the same germs so there's no sickness caused and I think I'm losing time to sit still when the children are awake!!
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