Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feeding Baby

I'm 26 and the mother of three, currently breastfeeding. I am just trying to let people know a little about my experiences! When I told my mom that I wanted to breastfeed, her reaction was tolerant. When I was born breastfeeding was not seen in the wonderful and positive light that it is today. She told me that if it's what I wanted to do that she really wouldn't be able to help me, but she'd be there if I needed to talk. My daughter was born and we had some issues.

When we started breastfeeding, I was uneasy. I believe my daughter sensed this somehow and it hindered our process, so I began to pump. She took a bottle much better. I pumped for a few weeks and then I turned my pump up too high. I'll just say that it was a terrible experience and that was the end of breastfeeding for her. She then switched to the formula.

When my second child was born I was hesitant to breastfeed after having such an unsatisfying experience with my first. At the hospital when they brought her to me, we tried a few times until I put her in the football hold position and she latched on beautifully! It was truly the beginning of something wonderful! I was able to nurse her for the first year of her life! I was sad when the time came for her to ween, but I was already pregnant with my third child (Yes, it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding!! Be careful!!!) and my OB advised me to stop. I was looking forward to nursing my third.

I can not explain to someone who has yet to experience the incredible way that it makes you feel and the bond that is created in the process. There are so many benefits for baby, too! Breastfed babies~even if you only do it for six months~tend to have higher IQs, stronger immunity systems, and are more confident children. I had to tell myself all of these things when the tenderness started, it's also nice if you have a friend to motivate you, like I did. She would ask how I was doing and encourage me saying that it was worth it, even though it had not worked out for her as her son was allergic to something in her milk!!

I am currently nursing my five month old son. Things are different than they were the last time. When they doctors held him up at the hospital he was already sucking! We didn't have latch on issues at all and there was no soreness. He eats a lot more and stays satisfied longer. I was terrified when I had to play catch up with him, I thought that I was losing my supply. He was constanlty eating and I didn't know then that he could increase my supply by simply eating more often. He can control it. That is such an amazing ability our bodies have. He snacks from time to time, but he SMILES all of the time!  God had truly blessed our family. Any questions or comments, please feel free!

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